Jan 6, 2010

* Modesty of the Rock Church *

i was reading in my new bible i got for christmas from a speacil young lady..on tuesday when pastor young was preaching in 1 Corinthinans for are footwashing servies which by the way was awsome..but i came across in the same chapter they talk about a huge subject that people always talk about and question the rock church about.and it has to do with why are women dont cut there hair and why are men dont have long hair..well in 1 corinthinans 11:6 that a women in the days of paul if a women was to be covered to show modesty and submission to her husband and to demonstrate dignity,the viel was ment that she was to be respected and honored as a women.its also why are women waer dresses and clothes that are modest.because in those days if a women did not do those things she was not respected by no man.the viel serves as a sign of value and glory as womenhood as God created them.a women that does this enhances her own God-given place of dignity and worth..viel also symbolize "power" or authority on her head.and the reason that a man does not have long hair is to distinguish between one and the other. other words to tell men and women the days of paul the corinthins if a man had long hair it signified you where a paganmale and for a women with short hair it identified them as a just because the paintings and sculptures of jesus have him in long hair its belived that jesus was following the nazirite vow or upon the imaginition of the artist from the middle ages, not upon biblical or historical use as guys cant use that as a excuse to have long hair... so i thank my pastor and bishop for seting standards for ... See Morethere church based on the bibcal way..this world needs standards with out the churches would be like the world not confromed by this world.